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Templates Para Loja Virtual Blogger

What is the blogger? And why it is better than others?. is a free tool from for creating weblogs. It is all-time better than others by its amazing features. Free of Hosting: If you create your blog with Blogger, Google store your blog on its server. (Server located in, Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA) So already you got 100% free of hosting from Google. You no need spend money for hosting spaces and blog traffic.

So you can focus your mind on creating high-quality contents. You no need worry about $14, $60, $125, $3000, Hosting packages, like other CMS users. User-friendly, Ease of Use: You no need CSS, HTML and other coding program knowledge for run weblogs. SEO friendly: You no need submit your blog in google. When you create a blog, Google automatically takes it. How to choose best blog template for your blog?. SEO Ready: If the blog theme is SEO ready, Google gets possible signals from your blog.


Extra Loja Virtual

So you can get more visitors. Find SEO ready themes. Responsive Layout: It is automatically adjusted screen resolution according to users devices. So your blog opens without any trouble in mobile, tablet, desktop, etc. Browse Responsive layouts. Simple Designs: According to our experience, users are more attractive with simple designs.

Look simple designs. Light colors: Run your weblog without affecting the user’s eyes. Find. According to your Blog Niche: Choose template relates to your Industry. Find Blogspot templates by topic wise. Use descriptive file name for your images.

It helps to provide accuracy keyword to search engines. Use to auto resize your images. Use proper keyword rich Alt text, Title text, and Caption in your pictures.How to make your blog responsive, mobile and tablet friendly?Download the responsive templates. And upload it on your blog.

Go to your blog dashboard, Click Template. Now you can see gear icon below of the mobile screenshot. Click the gear icon and choose “No. Show desktop template on mobile devices.” then click Save. Install Blogspot TemplateImportant! Before installing a new template, we recommended to you must backup your existing template.

Browse the templates in gooyaabitemplates.com and download your favorite to your hard drive. The template may be a.zip or.rar file format. So it needs to be extracted. So please extract the file. Now you can locate the.xml file on your hard drive.

Now go to your, Click Template Backup/Restore Choose file, now locate.xml file and choose it for upload. After uploading process is complete, the template appears in your blog. How to optimize your blog search engine friendly?.

LojaTemplates Para Loja Virtual Blogger

Use. Go to Settings Basics and give a proper Title and Description for your blog. Publish fresh and own content. Do not copy from other sites. Write high-quality content with adding proper title tags, description tags (search Description), heading tags, alt text, anchor text, Proper labels and more. Use custom permalinks features before publishing your posts.

Share your post on social bookmarking sites. Post regularly with unique content. At least minimum three post weekly. Don’t forget, to update your old posts regularly.

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